The most convenient mode of transportation on two wheels!

Services Offered

A foldable bike design that eases the journey of daily commuters during their first mile/last mile mobility.

The Challenge

Especially aimed at allowing students and young employees to experience a more efficient commute with a folding bike, the design had to be lightweight, of low cost, does not take up much storage space, and locally manufactured in Egypt.

Lots of research had to be done in order to determine the suitable materials, production methods, frame dimensions, and folding techniques that work.

Foldable Bike
Innovation Team

Our Approach

Our multi-disciplinary team spent hundreds of hours on foundational research to understand the history of bikes, how to make a bike ergonomic, and how to compete with the best bikes in the market.

In alignment with our goal, our team conducted user research to better understand our users, their frustrations, goals, and motivations.

Our Direction

During our research, we discovered that there are a lot of folding mechanisms, each with different pros and cons. We had to decide upon the direction that best satisfies our users’ needs.

Accordingly, we agreed on the triangular fold, as it takes much less folding time, and causes the least tension on the body trunk.

Foldable Bike
Foldable Bike

Ideation Phase

In this phase, we tried to get as many ideas as we can on paper. Our team reviewed, discussed them, then iterated to come up with enhanced, more refined ideas.

Finally, we decided upon the best two designs that most fulfill the requirements and went along with them.

Our Final Outcome​

After choosing the concept and drawing it in detail, our team produced the CAD model for the two designs, putting every detail into consideration, including safety factors and chassis strength.

The result is a foldable bike that has an adjustable seat for maximum comfort and is simply folded by undoing a hinge and pushing the rear wheel forward. 

Foldable Bike

Behind The Scenes